Man Up, Already!

So, I’m being a stupid girl.

I like a guy.  Okay.  I REALLY like this guy.  I can see myself spending lots more time with him.  Actually, that’s what I want.  I want to belong to him, for him to belong to me.  I’m falling in love with him.

The problem is, I don’t know what he feels for me.  He has never called me, I usually initiate texts between us, and the biggest complement he has given me is that I’m “kinda cool.”

A part of me desperately wants to ask him what he feels for me – what he wants from me.  The other part is terrified that it will scare him away.  Truthfully, I’d rather have him in my world, if only on a limited basis than not at all.

When I started out on this dating thing, I wasn’t looking for anything serious.  I clearly have in my profile that I’m not looking for anything long term.  It’s not fair of me to change my mind, mid-stream.

So, do I shut down my emotions and just enjoy the moment?  I’ve done it before, but not with someone this amazing.

Or, if I man up and ask him, would it broach a topic he’s been wondering about, too?

Nope, not man enough.  I’m a wuss.  I’ll just keep wondering.


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